Agile Management for Law Firms
In recent years there has been a constant background buzz around the benefits of Legal Project Management techniques. Finally, a book by and for legal professionals explains how to apply Agilism in your daily practice.
Available in Kindle, Nook, Kobo, ePub and print edition.
The health crisis has put law firms and companies of legal services in need to adapt to a market with financial difficulties, but that needs to continue counting on their services. The solution is not to lower rates but to work more efficiently to transfer savings to the customer. Those who compete on price cannot offer quality because they lose margin to finance essential legal practice’s resources.
Kanban is a tool developed in the mid-20th century in Toyota factories to optimize production systems. Later adapted to the software industry, it has helped thousands of companies improve their productivity for more than two decades. Its enormous flexibility and simplicity of use allow it to be applied perfectly in managing a professional law firm, both for individual tasks and workgroups.
This book is the first to share techniques, advice, and application methods of Kanban specifically adapted to the legal world. Instead of copying ideas from a text aimed at computer technicians, this book is designed from the start for legal professionals, with examples based on actual experience and real cases.
After his success with «Task Management with Kanban», a best-seller in the USA in Agile Management, Rafael Morales brings you this management system with his usual direct and friendly style to explain the most complex concepts. If you want to start optimizing your time, do not hesitate to immediately apply these pages’ ideas.